Friday, February 28, 2014

Crystal a Day

Today's crystal of the day is Angelite. I already carry one of these stones with me daily in my medicine bag. Using this crystal today can only bring more good things.

I love Angelite. It brings a special connection to my angels and I get so many great messages and visions with this special crystal. I look forward to spending my day with Angelite and some extra meditations with this crystal.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crystal a Day

Today's crystal is some form of a yellow crystal. I'm really not sure what it is.

 It has some sparkles in it like goldstone usually does, but it's not a goldstone, at least from the information I can find. It also has some special marks of its own. I love seeing the marks inside a crystal showing it's own personality. While meditating with this crystal, I got a special energy in my solar plexus and heart chakras. I love feeling energy like this in my chakras. It is a great healing feeling. I know I have tons of healing to do and it is something I work on every day.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Crystal a Day

My crystal for today is a white quartz. At first I thought it was a clear quartz, but I found one of my clear quartz stones and it was much whiter in color and not completely clear like the clear quartz.

While carrying this crystal and meditating with it, I felt a lot of the same crystal properties as clear quartz. It made it for a great day!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Crystal a Day

Today's crystal is moss agate.

I really like this crystal. It doesn't come up in the picture like the crystal really is. I really need to find a new way of photographing my crystals so they show what the crystal really looks like. This crystal is a really dark green and very pretty. It has a great energy that I really enjoyed carrying with me today.

Over the past few months, I've been releasing a lot of stuff, mostly from my heart, so I've been super drawn to anything green. Pulling a green crystal this morning really resonated with me as well. I found myself making sure this crystal was in my pocket and just holding it in my hand.

I really love crystals and the energy that comes from crystals!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Crystal a Day

I read another blog about pulling a crystal out of a bag once a day and using that crystal for the day. I have decided to use this idea for the next 7 days and post it here on my blog the crystal I pull. I don't have a bag big enough for the amount of crystals I have to use, so I put them in a bowl and I really like being able to display them in the bowl too.

Here is my crystal for today:

This is a form of jasper and I'm really looking forward to using it for the day. I felt a very positive energy while picking it out of the bowl this morning. I will carry it in my pocket today, then return it to the bowl tonight and pick a new crystal tomorrow.