Monday, April 28, 2014

Set The Intention for an Amazing Week

Happy Monday All! Set the intention right now, that this week is going to be amazing! When setting the intention, actually feel it deep in your soul that this week will be amazing, awesome, awe-inspiring, perfect, intriguing and just all around the best week you have had so far this year. Smile and enjoy it! Life is really simple and the more you love the life you have, the better your life will be!

I love every single day I'm given here on this Earth. I love my life more and more each day! I can't wait to share my days with all of the new people that come into my life daily. If I can only help one more person today than I did yesterday, then my day is complete.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Moon Rituals

I do my own personal rituals for each new moon and full moon. I am sharing my new moon rituals now and will share my full moon rituals closer to the time of the full moon. There is so much energy with each new moon and full moon. A new moon is a sign of new beginnings, while a full moon is a time of endings and releasing that which does not serve you.

  • Tape a dollar bill to your window in the upper left corner with the face of the president facing outside. For those of you in other countries, use your currency, but make sure to have the face of the bill facing outside. You will leave this dollar bill up for two weeks. Make sure to take it down the day of the full moon. This is done to help bring in extra money.
  • Take a check (from your personal checkbook or find a Law of Attraction check online, I always use my personal check), and fill it out. In the date field, put NOW. In the To field, put your name. In the amount field, write Paid in FULL. Sign the check with The Law of the Universe. I keep all of my checks that I do this with, but you can tear it up and flush it down the toilet at the full moon, bury it, throw it in a stream of water, or burn it. But always make sure it's been torn up first. This does not have to be for money. It can be for anything that are you looking to manifest in your life. Just make sure your intention is very clear as you are writing out the check for what you would like to manifest.
  • I always make a list of what I am looking to manifest in my life as new beginnings, read that list under the moon, then depending on the weather, bury or burn it. Always use fire safety precautions when burning your list. Each item on my list is written in present tense sentence form as if I already have what I am trying to manifest.

I feel so blessed to be able to harness the energies of the new moon and full moon each month and just love sharing the possibilities with all of you.  Please note that you do not have to every item or even any of them, just do what resonates most with you. Also if you do something different from me, please share it and I'll gladly add it to the list for others to do as well.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Changing Our Story

Every single moment of every single day is a chance to rewrite your life story. What happened in the past is not YOU right now. It might help shape you into who you are right now and teach you lessons to help you become a better person than you were five minutes ago. But you have the power to change all of that right now, this very second. The first thing you need to change is your emotions.

Live each day in a very happy, go-lucky state. No complaining. And notice how things change for you much easier than they ever have. When you complain about something, it constantly manifests what you are complaining about to stay in your life. You hate your job and you say that every day, the Universe will conspire to keep you in that job. But if you love your life and know things are getting better and better every day, no matter what the circumstances are, the Universe will reward you with those good things you think about.

It really is that simple to change your life: CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS!!!

I challenge you to go for 24 hours without complaining once. And notice all of the good changes in your life. Don't complain silently in your head or outloud to another person. Don't use any negative words: I can't, I won't, I shouldn't, I couldn't, etc. Use only positive phrases: I love my life. I love my job. I love my family. I love being outdoors. I am achieving my dreams and goals. I am healthy and happy. My life is amazing.

The more you use the positive words, the more positive will manifest into you life. And you can continue to change your story more and more because you have the faith that you can change your story each and every day. I've seen posts about not being the same person I was just 2 months ago. When you work to change your story, like I have and so many others I know, you aren't the same person you were 2 months ago. You are changing that story, not letting your past define you, valuing what you have and what you can give, and just living a very positive life. My life changes more and more each day and I absolutely love it! I love change and I love having new people and situations in my life every day. It helps me grow as a person and learn new things. And you can do this too!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

REALLY Manifesting Something New

I'm currently reading the book Within: A Spiritual Awakening to Love and Weight Loss by Dr. Habib Sadeghi. I'm learning so many things from reading this book and reiterating things I know I already knew.

Read the following excerpt from this book:
"To raise our level of awareness, we must raise our level of beingness. Flipping through a travel magazine and looking at the white sand and turquiose waters of the South Pacific doesn't make you conscious of it. Feeling teh warmth of the sun caress your back, the tickle of the sand between your toes, and hearing the rush of the ocean waves is what it means to be fully conscious of being on teh beach. This is the problem iwht so many poeple when they create 'vision boards' to attract something into their lives. They may cut out photos of famous actresses and models who have the type of body they want and pin them to a bulletin board where they'll see them regularly. The problem with this approach is that just looking at the photos doesn't generate any kind of real experience. It doesn't register in the cells of their body. It doesn't tell them, 'Oh! This is what I'm supposed to be.' It's trying to work the creative process from the opposite direction; trying to make an evolution create an involution, and we already know that it does NOT work that way. The involution always precedes the evolution: the microcosm to the macrocosm. Think about it. If just staring at something all day could make it manifest, then everyone who worked in a bank would be a millionaire!"

I have known all along that your emotions are what helps you manifest things into your life. If something makes you happy just by thinking about it, good things will manifest into your life. But if you let the negative things rule in your mind, then you will continue to manifest the negative things. But reading this passage from Dr. Sadeghi, really puts it into perspective with making a vision board.

When you made your vision board, did you feel the energy of each picture, being there in the moment and just enjoying what each picture represented as you put it on your board? Then when you spend time at your vision board, can you feel what each picture represents? Definitely more fuel to add to the fire to live a more successful life.

I am spending today redoing my vision boards and actually feeling what each picture represents. How about you?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all my lovely followers! Make today an absolutely amazing day! Do something for you, spend some time in nature, do a lovely meditation, spend time with your inner child.

 Appreciate each new day you are given, it doesn't matter whether it's a holiday or just a regular day. Each day is an amazing gift we are given. Cherish it! Show your gratitude, write your gratitude every day.