Friday, November 29, 2013

Saying Thank You!

What do you do upon waking up every morning? Do you have a ritual? Or do you just complain how tired and achy you are and you don't want do go through another day?

Start today and start a new ritual. When you wake up in the morning, lay there for a few extra minutes, but in those minutes, say "Thank you!" Add in a small prayer that the day will go well. Get yourself in a happy place. The best way to start your day is in happiness. If you start your day off in a good mood, then the day will go much smoother, than if you started it out complaining. Do this and notice the differences!

You are saying thank you for a new day. For all the blessings you have in your life. For all of the blessings yet to come to you. Make it a habit to say thank you to the universe first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Maybe even say it a few times during the day. You've started your vision board, those blessings are coming to you, say thank you for them every day before you get them!

I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I have a much more noticeable difference in my happiness of my day. Things go smoother, I'm happier during the whole day, not just during snippets of the day.

If you do this, I want to hear about it. Message me, comment on my blog. I'll respond! Follow me on Pinterest

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