Saturday, November 30, 2013

Drop the Negativity

One of the biggest keys to achieving anything in life, whether it's what you want or not, is to let go of any negativity. If you think, "I want this, but..." you are sending out that negativity to the Universe. You are trying to manifest both the positive and the negative sides of what you want. Stop adding in the BUT. Stop doubting yourself. The Universe provides for you exactly what you want. If you continue to say, "I'm so tired of being sick", you are going to continue being sick because that is what you are putting out to the Universe. Instead, say "I'm so healthy all of the time." I always like to add in that I'm happy and healthy.

Also, when you think negative emotions - stress, sadness, depression, disgust, etc. - you are manifesting the negative. As soon as you realize those negative thoughts, stop what you are doing, release those thoughts and immediately think of something happy. I know we are all human and we are constantly thinking. We think over 60,000 thoughts a day. But the more negative thoughts you have, the more negative you are going to manifest into your life.

Remember how I said I hated my last job that I just lost? Well, I kept putting that thought out to the Universe and I do agree that that reason is a part of the reason why I lost my job. There are other reasons behind it, but I won't add that here. It doesn't relate. I put the thought that I hate my job out there for months. I also think it may be part of the reason why I couldn't find a new job. I couldn't get out of the mindset that there was a much better place out there for me, where I could love going to work again. But now, I'm only thinking about how I want to work a full time job that I absolutely love going to everyday. I'm not adding in anything else into my thoughts.

Put your positive thoughts out to the Universe. Don't doubt, don't put any buts in there, just have faith, trust and believe. The Universe is giving you exactly what you are thinking about. If you think negative, you will manifest the negative. If you think positive, but add in the negative, you'll manifest the negative. If you think positive, and only positive, you will finally manifest the positive.

Have faith, trust and believe! The Universe works for you! 

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