Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Earth Bottom Bottle

The Earth Bottom Bottle from VibesUp is my favorite water bottle so far!! I love this thing! I fill it at least twice each day.

Here is the Description from VibesUp:

A water bottle that DOES stuff!

  • Charges healthy EARTH energy into food & drinks (we are designed to drink water directly from the earth via creeks and wells)
  • Clears non beneficial energy from food & drinks (food & water absorb energy from their environment our water is currently full of the frequency of cell phone and wifi pollutants)
  • Contains nature's specific ratio of balanced energy- 'The Golden Measurement' of which all life is created. 
  • Helps Ouches! (apply bottom of bottle to area to relieve discomfort, not to replace medical care)
  • Increases Strength and Energy (muscle test before and after drinking from your Earth Bottom bottle, also test ANY other beverage from ANY bottle and you will test stronger with beverages from your Earth Bottom Bottle)
  • Reusable- Saves the Earth from Plastic Bottle Pollution
  • The Healthiest! Food grade 18/8 Stainless Steel, BPA Free, sustainable, recyclable, a metal superior in both strength and safety that ontains no harmful chemicals or toxins.
  • Flip top for easy drinking without removing lid.
  • 27 oz.  Fits in car cup holder
Every single time I drink from this bottle, it tastes like I'm drinking fresh spring water. And the bottle sits next to my computer all day long, but it's not absorbing those harmful energies from my computer and cell phone like my other water bottle. I'm drinking fresh, healthy water with every single sip.
And here is the bottom of my bottle: 
Every single bottle is unique with the bottom! It is amazing! And it comes in 4 different colors: green, blue, red, and orange.
I also really love VibesUp! Their products are amazing! I've ordered a decent amount from them so far and I love absolutely everything I've bought! This water bottle is only one of my favorites!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crystals are AMAZING!!

Did you know that you can still feel the energy and effects of a crystal from a picture?!

Everything is energy. You are energy, crystals are energy, the chair you are sitting in is energy and the computer you are reading this on is energy! Everything also emits is own energetic frequency. Crystals emit an energetic frequency that can help you heal and even manifest things into your life. And you can get this crystalline energy from a simple picture!

The grid above has been set up for the spring equinox that is happening next week. It is to bring in all positive energy and manifestations for the spring equinox to happen this spring.

I absolutely love crystals and all they can do! I work with crystals on a daily basis and am continuously adding to my collection. I'm also on an education spree with learning as much as I possibly can and crystal grids are on that learning spree. I'm doing more and more work with crystal grids and working with them. I've also signed up to take Hibiscus Moon's Crystal Healer course to become a certified crystal healer. I'm so looking forward to this course and expanding my knowledge even further.

I'm also working on creating a new special abundance grid that I will activate on Monday under the influence of the full moon. I'm currently charging the crystals under the full moon, while I also await the arrival of my new rose quartz crystals that should be here on Monday!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Positive Vibrations

There's more than one type of fertility. There is the physical fertility of producing babies and there's the fertility of manifesting an abundance of creations in our lives. Nowadays with a high population of the planet many people are feeling like reproducing is an option rather than a 'have to'. Perhaps they are choosing to create in other areas of their lives, It's all creating either way. However the vibration of physical fertility can teach us a lot about manifesting abundance and creating in many areas of our lives. Let's have a 'mind tingling, heart warming' look at this amazing ah ha that you can absolutely apply to your everyday lives.

We've all heard the stories of couples unsuccessfully struggling for years and years to have a child. They are under a lot of stress about the situation with fears, sadness and doubt often engulfing them. They find themselves in the mode of trying to force this experience to happen. All of these emotions and trying to force things , are low vibration. It literally lowers the vibration of our bodies and the energy field around our bodies. Scientifically low vibration is thick and dense like trying to move through molasses and high vibration is smooth and silky, things can move quickly with ease and grace. It's very common that after these couples adopt a child and are now in the high vibration of joy, appreciation and love and now suddenly they conceive! This is an amazing phenomenon! And I feel it's all about the vibrations!

In nature when we were under fear or stress and it was not a good time to care for a child, our bodies would often naturally shut down our fertility. Isn't nature brilliant?! Well remember we are nature and we are brilliant too.

Let's look at the vibrational understanding of how this works and how it could be effecting what we are allowing to flow into our lives. I knew that in a lower vibration the walls of our cells get thick and dense, and that drinking water at a higher vibration the water could be more easily absorbed and higher hydration was possible even with less fluids. It's like our cells at a higher vibration can ALLOW IN more abundance of hydration. My common sense quickly zoomed over to the human egg., ah ha! at a lower vibration wouldn't the walls of the egg become thick and dense not allowing the sperm in? Not ALLOWING FERTILITY IN? Blocking the manifestation of creation. hmm THEN the couple's vibration was raised by now focusing on the joy this new baby experience and stepping out of the fear and stress and letting go of trying to force the fertility experience. Now at this higher vibration the wall of the egg becomes less thick, more penetrable it is now in the state of allowing fertility IN and wa la! THEY MIRACULOUSLY CONCEIVE! Now that we understand vibrations we can understand the science behind the miracle.

I bet your already seeing how this effects all areas of our creation. If there is something you want to manifest, set your intention for it and let all the energy we give to it be high vibration like "I feel the joy of what I am creating, I can visualize it already here, I can feel it! I am a powerful manifestor" Ect. and really feel the reality joy and playful emotion of your creation! Like your the couple playing with the new baby! What we put our attention on is what we manifest. They were feeling a high vibration of 'YEAH BABY', and guess what they manifested A NEW BABY! Anytime we get into the fear worry self doubt or trying to force our creations we lower the vibration and our "RECEIVING WALL" becomes thick dense, blocking the flow of well being and putting up a wall of resistance to allowing the miracle of creation into our lives! (this puts a whole new light on the expression "You have your wall up!") hehe

How much are we not allowing ourselves to have because of the WALL THICKENING low vibe of self doubt, self judgment, fears and control? The bigger question is how much would we allow ourselves if we were in the flow and trust that everything really does work out and we allow ourselves to bask in the powerful vibration of self LOVE knowing that we are beautiful amazing and powerful creators!

We really really really ARE! We have just forgotten.
And the great news as my friend Oscar Oak says "It's time to Remember!"

PS Speaking of the high vibration of joy:
I am beaming with joy for being on this journey with such awakening powerful beings as my customer/friends! THANK YOU for all you do to expand and awaken. This is rippling out to help uplift the masses and I love and appreciate you for this choice!
May your HEART be open, your VIBES be UP and you be in the fertility mode of allowing all your intentions to become powerful creations that flow into your life with ease and grace!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Attracting Money Affirmations

There are so many people who struggle with manifesting money into their lives. But what so many people don't realize is, is that the money you earn or bring home is NOT taking away the money that someone else has the potential to earn as well. The Universe has an unlimited supply of money. But so many people have the lack mentality about money and believe they will never have enough. If you are one of these people, stop with the lack mentality right NOW!! Thinking of lack will get you nowhere, but right where you already are. Think in forms of abundance and really believe it. The more you think about having abundance and having more than enough money, the more rewards you will get from the universe in forms of money.

Here is a list of affirmations to help you get started:
I make money quickly, easily, and having fun.
I enjoy spending money on my favorite things.
Money flows to me easily, freely, and abundantly.
I make $____ / month doing things I love.
I am a generous giver, and an awesome receiver.
Someone became a millionaire just a few hours ago.
I choose to use money for good, and the Universe rewards me with more money.
My wallet bulges with money.
I am a money magnet. I see opportunities all over the place.
I love money. Money is good. Money is freedom.
I allow myself to be wealthy.
My heart shows me the path to abundance.
I give myself permission to experience total freedom and abundance.
I create and deliver value with joy, and rivers of money flow my way.
I allow myself to love money.
I deserve a lot of money.
Whenever I check my bank statement, there’s always more money than I expect.
Money seems to seek me out.
I bathe in the stream of money and it feels awesome.
More money is on its way to me right this second.
I love paying my bills and cashing my checks.
I now attune myself to the frequency of money.
Money comes to me from the infinite source of Universal Abundance.
Just like there will always be water falling from the sky, so will there always be money flowing my way.
I enjoy a good sales pitch.
There is enough money for everyone, and then some.
The door is now wide open and money flows into my life.
Making money is fun.
Abundance and prosperity are my innate rights.
I love making money.
I awake each day with new ideas on how to increase my contribution to the world.
Everything I do seems to generate more money.
I allow myself to receive massive wealth.
I always find a way to make a large profit.
I love the feeling of a stack of $100 bills in my hand.
The value I contribute returns to me ten-fold.
Money is as natural and as ubiquitous as air.
I make money in my sleep.
People love to give me money.
Wherever I go, I find an opportunity to make money.
I enjoy a healthy, generous, and abundant flow of cash.
I am in the path of the stream of money.
My positive attitude towards money attracts abundance in my life.
I love being sold a quality product or service.
Money is empowering me to live my dreams, and to help others do the same.
I always find new ways to make big money.
Someone just sent me money.
I paid all my bills and still I sit on a pile of cash.
Even as I sleep, money flows into my bank account.
I earn ridiculous amounts of money.

I absolutely LOVE affirmations. They have helped me change my life tremendously. If they haven't helped me the way they have, I wouldn't continue to preach about using them. We live in a world where money is something that you have to have in order to survive. Start using one or more of these affirmations today, believe in the affirmation you have chosen and watch your life start to change.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Vision Board Magic

Recently, I have decided that I need to redo my vision board. I am going to make them into three separate boards - one for professional, one for personal, and one for my "I AM"s. I'm the type of person that is super organized and I'm not a fan of chaos. Well, I feel my current vision board is quite chaotic. While there may have been a method originally when I was putting up the pictures, there isn't anymore.

I add to my vision board when I see something I need to add. My vision boards don't have an expiration date. No vision board should actually have an expiration date. You can't determine when something is going to happen. Everything happens when it happens and for a reason. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe things happen for a reason and exactly as they should. It's not always good stuff that happens. But I also believe that when the bad stuff happens, it's the universe's way of saying "I told you so and now I made it happen. You didn't listen before. Now maybe you'll listen better."

Ever since my life got turned upside down several months, I've had this belief. I've always believed in the no coincidences, but it's the bad stuff belief that changed. The universe will give you messages and signs, but so often we overlook those messages and signs until the universe finally forces it upon us in the way of bad stuff. But my heart is still beating, I am still breathing, I am standing here today and I am happy that I have this amazing life, that is sometimes messed up and nothing goes right, but it is still amazing and I appreciate every moment I have to make this the best life I can.

I read books and blogs about changing your way of thinking, changing your perspective and eventually changing your life. And I know in both my head and my heart that nothing happens overnight, but there are so many things that I really wish would happen overnight. And I know vision boards work. They don't work instantly, there is very little that is instantaneous in this life. You just have to have faith, trust and believe that everything will work out the way that it is supposed to. I have that faith, belief and trust, but every once in a while, I lose it, because like all of you, I am human. And I can only take so much bad stuff happening at a time. So when all this happens, I need a new perspective, so I change things around. That is my ultimate reason for doing new vision boards - I need a new perspective. I need new magic in my life.

Trust.Believe.HaveFaith. Life is amazing, no matter how messed up it is, no matter what goes right or wrong. It is amazing and to be appreciated. When something bad happens, life still goes on.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Himalayan Salt Lamps

A few weeks ago, I purchased Himalayan salt lamps. I had read about them from a crystal site I follow on Facebook. I was hooked immediately and knew I just needed to have one. I searched for them online and found the best price at I had them shipped to my local store where I picked them. I got very impatient waiting to go pick them because we seemed to keep getting snowstorm after snowstorm and I just couldn't get out to go get them. When I finally got them, it was love at first sight! I pulled them out of their boxes and plugged them, and turned them on.

Within minutes of turning them on, I felt the energy in the room change! I am very sensitive to the negative and positive energies in a room and can pick up on them right away. I've also been pretty lax on doing my regular sage ritual lately, so I'm sure there was quite a bit of negativity in my room at the time. But it didn't take long for the energy of the room to start to change and it was amazing.

I ended up purchasing two of them, and I am so glad that I did. The recommendations for the size room that I have is about 22 pounds of salt crystal to help purify the air the best. The one lamp I haven't turned off since I first plugged it in. The other lamp, I turned it off the one night because the lights are a little bright to sleep with and I prefer to sleep in the pitch black. Well, the next morning, I awoke with a stuffy nose and clogged sinus cavity, which I hadn't had since I had first gotten these babies. I learned my lesson, don't turn these off at night. I think I've learned to sleep with the bright lights on while I sleep for the most part.

And they give off this gorgeous orange glow when it's dark in the room. I just love these lamps! When I move house again, I'm buying so many more of these so that I can have at least one in each room. I'm sure some rooms will need more than one, but there will be at least one of these in each room. They are gorgeous for decoration and they really work!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Book Review: The Noticer by Andy Andrews

"Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective." This is one of the most famous lines from this book. This book is also one of those books that are very hard to put down. I read about this book on a post from a friend on Facebook. I decided to check out this book, and I am so glad that I did. I've been really struggling with things in my personal life lately and this book was totally needed. Now I just need to find the time to keep reading all of the books I have saved up in my Kindle library, including the next book, The Noticer Returns.

The main character in this book is the author. This book is like a fiction book and a nonfiction book all in one. It is about a true story about a man named Jones who comes to give members of a community a new perspective about their lives. Each person is struggling with something in their lives - decision to commit suicide, decision that their life is over, they've lived their full life, decision to be homeless and jobless, decision to stay married or get divorced and so many more.  Just by reading this book, you can change your life and way of thinking.

Let's start with the author, he was homeless, with no job, no family and living under a pier at the beach. He met Jones who taught him about being a good person, introduced him to famous people from around the world through books and helped him turn his life around. Fast forward almost 30 years, and Andy is now a famous author and speaker, has an amazing family and house and is very well known in the community.

Jones always said that he only gave someone a little perspective on how to change thins in their lives. It was the person who actually made the change. And this is so true for all of us. When you are a person who makes bad decisions or the wrong decision constantly, you are the one who made that decision. And it is up to you to change that decision to a good one. People won't necessarily forgive your bad choices overnight, in fact, most people won't forgive those bad decisions quickly and some not at all. You have to prove yourself as a changed person. Change is instant. It is the decision to change that takes so long. There are so many people that are afraid of change. So changing their way of thinking and doing is a very hard task. Even when something is pointed out, these people won't change. If you are one of those people that fear or loathe change, please read this book! But if you are just looking for more information about changing your perspective, gaining a new perspective, read this book.

There are so many amazing stories in this book to learn about. Who knows one or even more than one of them could affect you and your life. Pick up this book today and you may not put it down until you are done with it :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

I AM - Two of the Most Important Words

I was recently introduced to this video of Joel Osteen's famous sermon about changing your "I am" and making sure you are using the right "I AM"s each day.

I absolutely love this sermon and have listened to it every day for the past 4 days, more than once each day. There is so much amazing information in just this half hour sermon. It is so perfect for changing yours or anyone's life. Listen to this sermon, send it to your friends. I am not preaching any form of religion here. I am sharing the underlying message of this sermon. You can go places you've never dreamed of before by simply changing your I AM.

I will admit that over the past few weeks I've been struggling big time. I've been searching for motivation everywhere - books, blogs, videos. Nothing seemed to really work for me. And I'm not trying to make excuses, but I also think Mercury Retrograde had a lot to do with this as well. But I'm ready to move on, find that motivation again, and achieve my dreams and goals. My get up and go really did get up and go a few weeks ago. I have had no motivation, felt extremely exhausted and just want to be alone. For the most part, I'm still lacking the motivation and have the exhaustion and still want to be alone, but this sermon has still changed so much that has been running through my head lately. I am blessed. I am achieving my dreams and goals. I am working hard. I've been working on the negative thoughts running through my head for what seems like ages. Most days they don't get me down, but the past few weeks have been horrible. And this message really pointed that out for me.

There is so much that Joel says in this sermon that really resonates with me. And so much I need to do still with working on myself due to past influences, mainly my parents programming of me. My mom is still going at me every day with her rude comments about how I am basically a failure. And I know this has a lot to do with how I've felt every day for the past few weeks. Every time I start having successes, I get broken down again by one or both of my parents and my path starts getting derailed again. I am done with this from this point forward. I know that I am achieving my dreams and goals, no matter what happens or who wants other things to happen in my life.

Life Joel says in this video, create your list of "I am" sayings that you can and are achieving. I have started to do this and change is already happening again. Nothing is going to derail me this time. I am achieving my dreams and goals. I have also decided to create an I AM vision board. I am going to type up all of my I AM statements and put them on a piece of posterboard. The more I read these over and over each day, the more things will start to change.

Change is something that is really actually easy. It is the thought about changing that takes so long to accept and act on. Making that change is instant as soon as the thought to actually change is accepted.

Change your life. Be a better you. Trust, believe, have faith. Life is amazing and getting better and better every day. But this is where you have to trust, believe and have faith.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Crystal of the Day Challenge

I am so happy I decided to do this challenge. It helped to reconnect with some crystals I hadn't used in a while, and also some crystals I had never used before. I really love introducing new crystals into my routine.

The energy of every single crystal is different and can help each person in different ways. Each person also connects to each crystal differently. The same crystal might do one thing for me and something else for you. It is all about the vibration and energy present in each one and what you personally need the crystal to do for you.

Doing a meditation and/or healing of some sort with crystals also helps enhance the energy of the meditation and/or healing. I'm the type of person that gets messages during my meditations and I got a different message each day from each crystal. It was something I needed to hear as well.

I am still going to keep my medicine pouch on me with crystals in that I really feel that I need. But also every once in a while, I'll also go through my bowl of crystals and pick a random one to use for the day. I love the connections and learning new things! Plus I may find a new crystal that I may need to carry with me regularly for a little while.

Crystal of the Day

Today I pulled an amethyst crystal and purposely pulled a malachite as well.

I've been feeling a lot of pent up anger coming up lately. I know it is partly because of this group healing that I am in and this week we are working on the throat chakra. I know the throat chakra is blue crystals, but I really felt the need to have the malachite and the amethyst is what came up for today. There is a reason for why I pull the crystal I pull, no coincidences. So today I really need the amethyst as well.

I'm going to do a meditation with the two stones here soon. I have done a meditation with each stone this week. And each meditation has given me messages that I needed for that day.

I'm really looking forward to using these two stones for the remainder of today.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Crystal of the Day

Today ended up being two crystals: Blue Kyanite and a light blue Calcite. They are basically the only two rough cut stones in my entire bowl, everything else is tumbled stones, except for the 4 agate slices in there. These two basically stuck together when grabbing for a crystal this morning.

I love using both of these stones. They both seem to have a calming effect on me. The calcite has always helped me retain information better when I need to learn it the best, which reminds me, I need to start carrying my calcite with me during the day every day, but especially when I am doing my studying.

As for what the kyanite does for me, it's one of those that is hard to put into words. But it is also a stone that I really know when I need to be carrying it with me. And today was one of those days. I just need it on me. I love how crystals seem to have a mind of their own too and they know when you need them before you do.

Crystals had become my best friend a long time ago, then my life got turned upside down and they got pushed to the side. I still had them, just not out everyday, and definitely not even using them at all. Then a few weeks ago, I had a calling to start using them again regularly. I made myself a medicine pouch that I carry with me all day long on my person, that includes some stones that I know I need just for that day or that I need to carry long term. Some of these stones will be in the bag for quite a while. I'll just know when I'm done with them and they can go back into my collection of stones. But I am so happy that I finally got back into the crystals again. It has given me a perspective on life that I thought I had lost when my life got turned upside down several months ago.