One of the first steps of putting the Law of Attraction to work for you is to create a vision board. This board will be EVERYTHING you have for yourself as a dream for the future. Make sure you DREAM BIG!!
You know all of those dreams that you have had since you were a child for yourself - that dream house, dream car, special vacations, wedding, dream job, material items you want but can't afford right now, money in the bank, debt free - put it ALL on your board. Find pictures online, in magazines, in circulars and cut them out. This board be on a cork board, poster board, or even just the wall. I put mine on the wall, because for the time being, I don't have either of the others and taping my pictures to the wall was an easy way to display them in a place where I will see them EVERYDAY! You want to make sure your board is in a place that you will see it every day - home, work, your choice - but make sure you will see it everyday.
There is a reason why kids have always had those "crazy" dreams. They haven't learned how society makes us act like none of that exists anymore and to stop believing, until we start doing research and find that it all still does exist. Our dreams are real and we can have them. We just have to believe again and get rid of all of the negative thinking.
There are so many books out there to help us with this. The first book suggestion I will make is:
The Secret. I'm sure you've heard of this book before. It became a very popular book a few years ago. Many of the daytime television shows talked about this book and showed cases where the book had showed success. They also created a movie about this book with success stories as well. I've listened to this movie on Netflix several times, I've even reactivated my Netflix account just to watch this movie three or four times in a month, then cancelled it again.
I've had a vision board on my to do list for about 2 years now and I just never got around to actually doing it. But that is changing TODAY. I've started my pictures and I'm just waiting for my printer ink to get here on Saturday to print out these pictures that I've found. I had a poster board, but never had the pictures to put it together. Well, I'm not waiting any longer to make this vision board and start manifesting my future. As soon as my ink gets here on Saturday, I'm going to start printing pictures and cutting them out. Then, I'm taping them to my wall in the form of a vision board to get this started and in my daily thoughts everyday in printed form and not just in my head. Having the thoughts in your head is still a good thing, but seeing it in print, whether it's written or pictures, really helps you keep the positive and SEE what you really want. It also puts it out to the universe what you really want as well.
Let's create your vision board!
Step One: DREAM! Really dream big! Go back to the days when you were a child and reincarnate those dreams that you wanted then. You know all those vacations you wanted to go on and never could because of other circumstances. That dream house you've always wanted, but never thought you could afford? You want a family someday, put a picture of a happy family on your vision board, with the type of family you want and how many children you want. You know all those dreams that you have for yourself, even if you haven't told them to anyone. Don't focus on making these dream realistic! The Law of Attraction works around realistic!
Step Two: VISUALIZE. It's time to sit down with your dream pictures. With each picture, create a movie in your mind about that dream coming true. Picture yourself 5 years in the future with each dream manifested. Show yourself a personal movie of how it came true! These visions should make you happy! If they don't then there is something in your dreams that you may need to change.
Step Three: CREATE! Just dreaming and visualizing is not enough to manifest your vision board dreams. You must create the actual board. As you put each picture on your vision board, play that movie of your visualization again.
Step Four: BELIEVE! Now you just have to believe. Even everything that is unrealistic will happen. You have put this out for the universe to see and it is very clear what you want since you have put the exact pictures of your dreams up for the universe and YOU to see each day. Take 10-15 minutes each morning (or evening, whatever works best for you) and visualize your life movie happening again. Make sure you keep all thoughts positive about your vision board. If you start to think that I can't have that. I'm not good enough for that. Then sure enough, the universe will put off that dream for you. Never think those thoughts about anything on your vision board. (You actually should stop thinking those thoughts completely if you really want the Law of Attraction to work for you.)
Make sure you DREAM BIG! Your life is exactly that which you make it. It can be really simple and amazing, or you can make it more difficult than it should be.
I want to hear about your vision boards. If you have questions, let me know. I'll help you out! I will respond if you comment. Follow me on