Sunday, December 1, 2013


I personally love to meditate. Whenever stress or something else gets to me, I try to find a place I can go to and meditate for at least 5 minutes. It really helps to relax and calm me and get me back to where I should be. Stress, depression, anger, sadness, none of that is so important that it needs to bring you down and keep you down.

Some say that meditation is hard. They can't stop the voices in their head. They can't sit still for that long. Well, unless you are an absolute pro at meditating, no one can stop the voices in their head. The key is to focus on your breath. Focus on breathing in and out. When a thought comes up, dismiss it and go back to focusing on your breathing. You don't have to sit cross legged on the floor to meditate. Use a chair, a bed, the couch, the possibilities are limitless. I like to lay on my bed to meditate. If you can't sit still, then you can't sit still. It is a not a requirement of meditation. Meditation is meant to help quiet the mind. It helps you focus and release those unneeded thoughts and stresses.

You can also find guided meditations. Youtube has tons of them. Search for a guided meditation on a specific topic that you may be looking for extra help with. These guided meditations can help make things simpler for someone new to meditation. All you have to do is follow along with the words in the meditation. It is guided for exactly what to do.

Another thing you can do is find a picture. Someplace you enjoy going to, the beach, a mountaintop, a waterfall, the possibilities are endless. Then in your mind's eye picture yourself at this place relaxing. When I'm really stressed out from work or others around me, I like to picture myself on the beach, with my toes curled in the sand, just letting all of the stress flow out of me and the serene calmness of the ocean and beach flowing into me.

Share your meditation journeys, I'd love to hear about them. Follow me on Twitter and Pinterest.

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