Friday, June 6, 2014

I Thought You Loved Me

I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when did you last give me a good night’s sleep?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you provide me good, healthy nutrition?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you say better things to me & about me?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you drink more water & keep me hydrated?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when are you going to help raise my energy level?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you generously forgive me?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you put a few of my priorities, first?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you take action on my life’s dreams?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you ask someone to give me a bit of help?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you spend some time alone, just with me?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when was the last time you made me smile & laugh?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you start my day with a relaxed breakfast?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you allow me to do what I want in life?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you give me more positive encouragement?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you develop more of my positive emotions?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when are you allowing me a restful holiday?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you reduce what I currently tolerate?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you say “I love you” to me, and mean it?

I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you really “see me” in the mirror?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you let go of my negative feelings?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you set me strong personal boundaries?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you courageously stand up for me?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you bring out my best so I get to shine?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you start to fully meet my needs?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you let me live true to my values?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you be fully complete with my history?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you improve all my dwelling spaces?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you teach people how to treat me well?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you nurture my friends and my family?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you be more optimistic about my future?
I Thought You Loved Me! Yet when will you be the one to champion me?

Use these mantras daily to reprogram your heart and mind to believe what your soul wants you to believe! These are super powerful and amazing!!

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