Monday, June 2, 2014

Lesson 2 – Shadow Self – Self Sabotage

“The Shadow Self is all about looking the parts of you that are creating sabotage and holding you back.” It’s plain and simple that we are human beings. There are so many things in our lives that have happened and we have buried so deep down in that part of our mind that we don’t want to surface ever again. But a part of us is always going to remember those memories and we can’t suppress them forever. The best thing you can do is bring them up, forgive them, the other person, the situation and yourself, and let it go. Stop letting it hold you back anymore. Until you learn to forgive and move past these emotions and feelings, you will always be held back from achieving your highest potential.

The very first time I read Twelve Lessons, so much stuff came up to the surface. I was a miserable wreck, because these emotions that you have suppressed for years, well they make you emotional. And I had suppressed anything that made upset, hurt, unworthy, all those emotions that you don’t want to feel, mainly because I didn’t like those memories or how they made me feel. Some of them came to the surface to be forgiven and released for good. But I had to feel these feelings then in order to get past them. This lesson, in and of itself, was a very big one for me personally. And I’m sure it will be a big one for anyone who has had programming from their parents growing up about issues they have.

While I was growing up, I was the oldest of 4 children. I was always blamed by both of my parents for something going wrong or missing, when I’d never even touched the missing item or I wasn’t even around what happened that made something go wrong.  And to this day, I’m still compared to my younger siblings by my parents. They are more successful than I am, they know how to manage their money, they, they, they. I have to listen to this spiel at least once a week because in my parents’ eyes, I’m unsuccessful, taking up space in their house and eating their food. But I also have 2 college degrees in a subject that I absolutely love. I have an amazing business as a lightworker helping others to heal and enhance their lives. And frankly, I just love life right now. It’s better than it has ever been before and I’ve never been this happy! I’ve made so much progress of getting rid of self sabotaging thoughts, yes I do still have a lot more to get rid of, but I’ve gotten rid of ones that have really held me back. I know I’m worthy of everything I have ever wanted in my life now. I may not be my parents’ definition of success, but I am successful. And I don’t give up! I keep my faith and I keep pushing through, even when I can’t see over the tidal waves coming towards me. I won’t work another job that I absolutely hate anymore! And that is why I’m still unemployed, as in working a normal job, my own business is more of a hobby at the moment because I love it so. I could easily go out and get a job in a warehouse or as a cashier or a customer service representative, but I hate all those jobs. And I won’t put myself through the torture of working them ever again. I know I’m worthy of the jobs I want and know that I can do. I know I can be successful and make really good money doing what I love.

So what is holding you back from achieving your greatest feats? Do you have programming from your parents about not being good enough? Do you have programming from bosses or coworkers about not being able to do the job correctly because you do it a little different than they do to save time? Do you just have self limiting behaviors that are holding you back because of a fear you may have?

You may also start to discover the aspects of yourself that hold you back and even sabotage your behaviors. By discovering these behaviors, is the first step to healing and overcoming the influence of them. No one else’s opinion matters in what you do. If it is something you love, then go for it! Don’t let anyone else hold you back anymore. I let others hold me back for years, and I’m not doing it anymore and I have gotten to a place where I love my life more than I ever have before, even with all of the work I still have to do ahead of me.

So right now it’s time to free yourself from those limiting beliefs and behaviors that you have been carrying around for years. These beliefs do not serve you and they never have. So release them and reach your fullest potential possible. Sit down with a pen and paper and start to ask yourself what beliefs you have that sabotage you and your dreams. Write down your answers, then start working through them one by one to release them and their hold on you in this lifetime. You’ll be amazing at free you finally feel once you release those blocks that have sabotaged you for years! I know I did!

Check out my book review for this book as well. Or you can also book your own 12 Lessons reading to get your own set of 12 Lessons for the next 12 months.

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