Friday, January 3, 2014

Venus Self Renewal, Day 9, 10, 11

Day 9, 10 and 11 of 40 Days of Venus Self Renewal: The magical doorway. Yes, this one is a three part process. Thank for you for your patience with the reactivation of this journey as I paused to sit with the last day that was 2013 and allowed space to be with the first few days of 2014.

Part 1: Imagine you are about to step through a divine portal, one that can transport you from where you are to where you truly desire to be. Before you step through it, write a love note (or thank you note) to 2013. Focus on the lessons, blessings, gifts, insights, aha moments, wisdoms and intuitive gems received during your past 365 days. This may or may not include some of the things on your gratitude list from day 8.

Part 2: It’s time to pick a word for the new cycle ahead. Use it as a focus, guide or intention. Life-enhancing feeling-based words can be the most powerful here. Write down your word. Or if several come to you, write them all down then circle the one that jumps out at you the most. Then write down (i) what this word means to you, (ii) why this word speaks to you right now and (iii) how are some of the ways you can invite this word into your life in the coming days ahead

Part 3: Your magical doorway. Imagine on one side 2013, a year that on many levels held up a reflection of who we are not, gifting us the opportunity to shed old and outgrown definitions of self. On the other side of the doorway is 2014, a year that will hold up a mirror (if we allow it) of all that we really are. Pure energy, light and love. Visually express out what your magical doorway looks like using the materials that call you.

I am taking these posts from a Facebook page I follow: but I would really love for you to follow along with me on this journey and share your journey here. This journey is absolutely perfect for each of us for this new year and being a new YOU.  

Here is a list of all of the other posts in this journey:
Day 1  

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