Saturday, December 28, 2013

Venus Self Renewal, Day 6

Day 6 of 40 Days of Venus Self Renewal: Acknowledge the goings-on in your inner world today. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Bring your awareness to the emotion(s) wanting your attention, the thoughts in your focus, the beliefs you are holding and how you feel in your skin in this now moment. Allow yourself to observe these goings-on, sans judgement. Then visually express this out (or express out what needs to come to the surface) using whatever medium calls you, such as pastels, pencils, watercolours, collage, etc. When you are done ask your piece ‘What is your name?’, and write that down.

I am taking these posts from a Facebook page I follow: but I would really love for you to follow along with me on this journey and share your journey here. This journey is absolutely perfect for each of us for this new year and being a new YOU.  

Here is a list of all of the other posts in this journey:
Day 1  

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