Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Book Review: The Noticer by Andy Andrews

"Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective." This is one of the most famous lines from this book. This book is also one of those books that are very hard to put down. I read about this book on a post from a friend on Facebook. I decided to check out this book, and I am so glad that I did. I've been really struggling with things in my personal life lately and this book was totally needed. Now I just need to find the time to keep reading all of the books I have saved up in my Kindle library, including the next book, The Noticer Returns.

The main character in this book is the author. This book is like a fiction book and a nonfiction book all in one. It is about a true story about a man named Jones who comes to give members of a community a new perspective about their lives. Each person is struggling with something in their lives - decision to commit suicide, decision that their life is over, they've lived their full life, decision to be homeless and jobless, decision to stay married or get divorced and so many more.  Just by reading this book, you can change your life and way of thinking.

Let's start with the author, he was homeless, with no job, no family and living under a pier at the beach. He met Jones who taught him about being a good person, introduced him to famous people from around the world through books and helped him turn his life around. Fast forward almost 30 years, and Andy is now a famous author and speaker, has an amazing family and house and is very well known in the community.

Jones always said that he only gave someone a little perspective on how to change thins in their lives. It was the person who actually made the change. And this is so true for all of us. When you are a person who makes bad decisions or the wrong decision constantly, you are the one who made that decision. And it is up to you to change that decision to a good one. People won't necessarily forgive your bad choices overnight, in fact, most people won't forgive those bad decisions quickly and some not at all. You have to prove yourself as a changed person. Change is instant. It is the decision to change that takes so long. There are so many people that are afraid of change. So changing their way of thinking and doing is a very hard task. Even when something is pointed out, these people won't change. If you are one of those people that fear or loathe change, please read this book! But if you are just looking for more information about changing your perspective, gaining a new perspective, read this book.

There are so many amazing stories in this book to learn about. Who knows one or even more than one of them could affect you and your life. Pick up this book today and you may not put it down until you are done with it :)

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