There's more than one type of fertility. There is the physical
fertility of producing babies and there's the fertility of manifesting
an abundance of creations in our lives. Nowadays with a high population
of the planet many people are feeling like reproducing is an option
rather than a 'have to'. Perhaps they are choosing to create in other
areas of their lives, It's all creating
either way. However the vibration of physical fertility can teach us a
lot about manifesting abundance and creating in many areas of our lives.
Let's have a 'mind tingling, heart warming' look at this amazing ah ha
that you can absolutely apply to your everyday lives.
We've all heard the stories of couples unsuccessfully struggling for
years and years to have a child. They are under a lot of stress about
the situation with fears, sadness and doubt often engulfing them. They
find themselves in the mode of trying to force this experience to
happen. All of these emotions and trying to force things , are low
vibration. It literally lowers the vibration of our bodies and the
energy field around our bodies. Scientifically low vibration is thick
and dense like trying to move through molasses and high vibration is
smooth and silky, things can move quickly with ease and grace. It's very
common that after these couples adopt a child and are now in the high
vibration of joy, appreciation and love and now suddenly they conceive!
This is an amazing phenomenon! And I feel it's all about the vibrations!
In nature when we were under fear or stress and it was not a good time
to care for a child, our bodies would often naturally shut down our
fertility. Isn't nature brilliant?! Well remember we are nature and we
are brilliant too.
Let's look at the vibrational understanding of how this works and how it
could be effecting what we are allowing to flow into our lives. I knew
that in a lower vibration the walls of our cells get thick and dense,
and that drinking water at a higher vibration the water could be more
easily absorbed and higher hydration was possible even with less fluids.
It's like our cells at a higher vibration can ALLOW IN more abundance
of hydration. My common sense quickly zoomed over to the human egg., ah
ha! at a lower vibration wouldn't the walls of the egg become thick and
dense not allowing the sperm in? Not ALLOWING FERTILITY IN? Blocking the
manifestation of creation. hmm THEN the couple's vibration was raised
by now focusing on the joy this new baby experience and stepping out of
the fear and stress and letting go of trying to force the fertility
experience. Now at this higher vibration the wall of the egg becomes
less thick, more penetrable it is now in the state of allowing fertility
IN and wa la! THEY MIRACULOUSLY CONCEIVE! Now that we understand
vibrations we can understand the science behind the miracle.
I bet your already seeing how this effects all areas of our creation.
If there is something you want to manifest, set your intention for it
and let all the energy we give to it be high vibration like "I feel the
joy of what I am creating, I can visualize it already here, I can feel
it! I am a powerful manifestor" Ect. and really feel the reality joy
and playful emotion of your creation! Like your the couple playing with
the new baby! What we put our attention on is what we manifest. They
were feeling a high vibration of 'YEAH BABY', and guess what they
manifested A NEW BABY! Anytime we get into the fear worry self doubt or
trying to force our creations we lower the vibration and our "RECEIVING
WALL" becomes thick dense, blocking the flow of well being and putting
up a wall of resistance to allowing the miracle of creation into our
lives! (this puts a whole new light on the expression "You have your
wall up!") hehe
much are we not allowing ourselves to have because of the WALL
THICKENING low vibe of self doubt, self judgment, fears and control? The
bigger question is how much would we allow ourselves if we were in the
flow and trust that everything really does work out and we allow
ourselves to bask in the powerful vibration of self LOVE knowing that we
are beautiful amazing and powerful creators!
We really really really ARE! We have just forgotten.
And the great news as my friend Oscar Oak says "It's time to Remember!"
PS Speaking of the high vibration of joy:
I am beaming with joy for being on this journey with such awakening
powerful beings as my customer/friends! THANK YOU for all you do to
expand and awaken. This is rippling out to help uplift the masses and I
love and appreciate you for this choice!
May your HEART be open,
your VIBES be UP and you be in the fertility mode of allowing all your
intentions to become powerful creations that flow into your life with
ease and grace!
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