Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crystals are AMAZING!!

Did you know that you can still feel the energy and effects of a crystal from a picture?!

Everything is energy. You are energy, crystals are energy, the chair you are sitting in is energy and the computer you are reading this on is energy! Everything also emits is own energetic frequency. Crystals emit an energetic frequency that can help you heal and even manifest things into your life. And you can get this crystalline energy from a simple picture!

The grid above has been set up for the spring equinox that is happening next week. It is to bring in all positive energy and manifestations for the spring equinox to happen this spring.

I absolutely love crystals and all they can do! I work with crystals on a daily basis and am continuously adding to my collection. I'm also on an education spree with learning as much as I possibly can and crystal grids are on that learning spree. I'm doing more and more work with crystal grids and working with them. I've also signed up to take Hibiscus Moon's Crystal Healer course to become a certified crystal healer. I'm so looking forward to this course and expanding my knowledge even further.

I'm also working on creating a new special abundance grid that I will activate on Monday under the influence of the full moon. I'm currently charging the crystals under the full moon, while I also await the arrival of my new rose quartz crystals that should be here on Monday!

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