Sunday, March 2, 2014

Crystal of the Day Challenge

I am so happy I decided to do this challenge. It helped to reconnect with some crystals I hadn't used in a while, and also some crystals I had never used before. I really love introducing new crystals into my routine.

The energy of every single crystal is different and can help each person in different ways. Each person also connects to each crystal differently. The same crystal might do one thing for me and something else for you. It is all about the vibration and energy present in each one and what you personally need the crystal to do for you.

Doing a meditation and/or healing of some sort with crystals also helps enhance the energy of the meditation and/or healing. I'm the type of person that gets messages during my meditations and I got a different message each day from each crystal. It was something I needed to hear as well.

I am still going to keep my medicine pouch on me with crystals in that I really feel that I need. But also every once in a while, I'll also go through my bowl of crystals and pick a random one to use for the day. I love the connections and learning new things! Plus I may find a new crystal that I may need to carry with me regularly for a little while.

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