Thursday, May 29, 2014

Root Chakra

Out of the 7 main chakras that are known, the root or base chakra, is the first one. This chakra is located at the base of spine. The color that is associated with the root chakra is red. With this chakra being the first one, it is the most physical one. Any activity that has to do with awareness of the body will strengthen this chakra. This chakra will also help you keep your feet on the ground versus having your head in the clouds.

Some of the best ways strengthen this chakra are physical activities: sports, martial arts, walking, yoga, Tai Chi, house cleaning, car cleaning, etc. So if you are a person that does a lot of work out doors with gardening, taking care of animals, farming, hiking, you most likely have a very balanced root chakra! This is a very good thing. I know I don’t have any grounding issues and the main reason is because I work on a dairy farm.

The root chakra relates to our most basic survival needs and sense of belonging. It relates to our most important relationships, financial stability, home, and fears. When the energy is flowing freely through this chakra, we feel secure and confident that our needs are easily fulfilled. And when this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel anxious and worried. This chakra also relates to the flight or fight response and keeping you safe.

Some of the best crystals for this chakra are red jasper, bloodstone, ruby, garnet and fire agate. Basically any red crystal. The crystals of the Earth Star Chakra are also good for working this chakra as well.

The best essential oils for the root chakra are frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood and vetiver. These oils all have a woody or earthy scent for coping with stress and keeping you calm.

A very good recipe that you can whip up to help with this chakra is to use jojoba or coconut oil as the base, then mix in a drop or two of each of the essential oils from above. Then rub this oil on your feet as a massage or reflexology treatment before you go to bed for the night. Very relaxing!

Out of the 7 main chakras that are known, the root or base chakra, is the first one. This chakra is located at the base of spine. The color that is associated with the root chakra is red. With this chakra being the first one, it is the most physical one. Any activity that has to do with awareness of the body will strengthen this chakra. This chakra will also help you keep your feet on the ground versus having your head in the clouds.

Some of the best ways strengthen this chakra are physical activities: sports, martial arts, walking, yoga, Tai Chi, house cleaning, car cleaning, etc. So if you are a person that does a lot of work out doors with gardening, taking care of animals, farming, hiking, you most likely have a very balanced root chakra! This is a very good thing. I know I don’t have any grounding issues and the main reason is because I work on a dairy farm J

The root chakra relates to our most basic survival needs and sense of belonging. It relates to our most important relationships, financial stability, home, and fears. When the energy is flowing freely through this chakra, we feel secure and confident that our needs are easily fulfilled. And when this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel anxious and worried. This chakra also relates to the flight or fight response and keeping you safe.

Some of the best crystals for this chakra are red jasper, bloodstone, ruby, garnet and fire agate. Basically any red crystal. The crystals of the Earth Star Chakra are also good for working this chakra as well.

The best essential oils for the root chakra are frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood and vetiver. These oils all have a woody or earthy scent for coping with stress and keeping you calm.

A very good recipe that you can whip up to help with this chakra is to use jojoba or coconut oil as the base, then mix in a drop or two of each of the essential oils from above. Then rub this oil on your feet as a massage or reflexology treatment before you go to bed for the night. Very relaxing!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Lesson 1 – The Phoenix ~ Be Open to Change and Possibility

When I first read Kate Spencer’s book Twelve Lessons, this book resonated so much with me. In a way, I felt like Kate was telling me my life story from a different point of view. Well, only part of it. Not all of it is completely relatable for me in the same context, but I learned so much from reading this book and I really wanted to share the 12 Lessons Kate shares in her book and her journal as a blog series. I just never got around to actually doing the work to make the blog posts before. Well, now I am, so over the next 12 weeks, I will share information from the book and each lesson. Who knows, this may help you more than you think!! This book has been compared to The Secret. Personally, I think it’s a more human experience version of The Secret, and more relatable to what we as humans experience on a regular basis. It is a book of fiction, but the lessons that Stephanie goes through and experiencing a year in her life makes us feel like we are right there going through it all with her. At least that’s how I feel, you should check out this book and see for yourself. It’s available on Kindle and paperback!

The first lesson that Stephanie is taught is to be open to change and possibility. In this life so many people are resistant to change and the possibility of something new happening. I have seen this so much in my time here on Earth, from people I interact with every day to the people in line at the grocery store. Change happens daily and there is no stopping it! So the best way to overcome it, is to accept it and embrace it! Personally, I love change. I’m always looking for something new, a new way to do things, a new way to learn something, a new job, a new place to live, new friends to add to my circle, and the list could go on and on. Yes, sometimes change is forced upon us by natural causes (i.e. fire, flood, and other acts of nature), and that change isn’t exactly wanted, but it also teaches us lessons that we have been resistant to learning.  This life is all about learning lessons, just like this book teaches us some very important lessons as well.  

Several months ago, I had to learn the lesson of change being forced upon me, by going through a fire. I strongly feel that that fire was the universe telling me that I had not listened long enough and the universe was stepping in and forcing the change upon me. This was a change I had been practically begging the universe for, for several months, but nothing that I wanted came to me.  I became a completely different person because of that fire. I let go of physical belongings because they were ruined by smoke damage, but I also let go of people that I thought were friends and in reality, had only been using me for my knowledge and abilities. And I think that was the real lesson that was being taught here, the release of people that were only using me and weren’t real friends.  But I did resist this change of letting go because of the fire for a few weeks. It took me over a month to really grasp the lesson the universe was trying to teach me here. But once that lesson came through, it came through loud and clear and I had a major Ah-ha moment and things started to fall into place. Now that I’m back on my feet again, loving life to the fullest, and experiencing everything fully every moment of every day, I’m ready for the final aspect of this change to take place, so I can really spread my wings and fly away!

We all need to learn to stop being so resistant to change. The more resistant you are to change, the more change will be thrust upon you. It is like you are telling the universe that you basically like being unhappy, so the universe will continue to give you situations that make you unhappy. Make changes in your life that will give you a better life today and tomorrow, not just yesterday. Accept the changes that are coming your way. Who knows, by accepting these changes, you may get more changes that you like even more coming towards you as well.

Check out my book review for this book as well. Or you can also book your own 12 Lessons reading to get your own set of 12 Lessons for the next 12 months.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is located about 6 to 36 inches below your feet. This chakra is one of the additional chakras that is not counted in the normal 7 chakra system most have come to know. It is not part of your physical body, but it part of your etheric body. This chakra aligns you with the magnetic core of Mother Earth and connects you with Mother Gaia. This chakra keeps the energies of each individual in a harmonious relationship with the planet and keeps the body anchored in the time and space coordinates of this planet.

The earth star chakra meanings relate to the very foundation of your being within your everyday life, and relates to energy and is your anchor into physicality. It is very important for everyone, but especially for spiritual people.

The properties of the earth star chakra are what keep you grounded and protected and helps keep your aura secure in this physical world. So many of our day to day activities have the potential to unground us and basically make us feel like our head is way up in the clouds and our feet are not on the ground. When you have no real contact with the Earth, you can get very ungrounded; using computers for long periods of time, driving around in your vehicle, never going outside. You don’t have to have your bare free on the grass to get grounded, but you do need at least 5-10 minutes outside with your feet on the ground (can have socks and shoes on) to help you get properly grounded. Spiritual work can also make you ungrounded, so after any session of any form of spiritual work, make sure you ground yourself through a physical connection to the Earth by going outside.

The traditional color of the earth star chakra is black and dark brown, but just like all of the other chakras, crystals of different colors can help with this chakra as well. The best crystals for this chakra are black obsidian, black onyx, apache tears and black tourmaline. My personal favorite is black tourmaline.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Book Review: Twelve Lessons

The book Twelve Lessons by Kate Spencer can really change your life! I loved this book and totally could not put it down, the first, the second or the third time I read this book. I will also be reading this book many more times in the future and get something new out of the book each time I read it. Kate has a way of really keeping the reader intrigued and wanting to find out what happens next. If you pick up this book, I promise you will not regret it!

The first time I read this book, I was on a very rocky path and I found the book at a time when I really needed it. I spent three days reading this book, the first time through and just couldn't put it down. I'd read The Secret before. And while I've seen several people compare this book to The Secret, this book is so much better! It actually takes you through a basically real life example of how to use and apply the principles in The Secret, but in a more easily applicable form that we can each learn and apply to our lives starting today! And to help you apply these lessons, over the next 12 weeks, I am going to write a post for each lesson in the book, giving examples of how to apply it and how it has helped in my life. Kate is also posting these lessons on her blog as well.

On the cover of the book is the simple question, "What if you had one year to change your life?" This question applies to anything and everything life can throw at you, but you need to learn how to deal with it all and take it with your best foot forward. Stephanie, the main character in this book, starts out with what she "thinks" is a very happy life, but soon admits its all a facade to keep up with the Joneses. Is life really that important to you that you need to impress everyone around you and not yourself? Do you really need to have the best of everything the second it is released on the market? In the beginning of this book, that is exactly what Stephanie thought. She had to have the best of everything, which also included a mountain of debt she couldn't even pay!

Well, on New Year's Eve, she meets a psychic, who pulls 12 tarot cards for Stephanie, representing the 12 lessons she has to learn over the next 12 months. But that night, she only sees the first card, because everything the psychic said scares Stephanie, because how is it possible that someone who doesn't even know you, knows more about your life than you do?! When things start unraveling more and more for Stephanie, and she learns how right the psychic was, she has to go back to see her and find out what the rest of her lessons are. She then does apply these lessons to her life over the next 11 months and it's like her life changes miraculously!! And you can also apply these same 12 lessons to your life and watch it change as well!

So go pick up the book today! It's available in both Kindle and paperback. Kate has also prepared a Twelve Lessons Journal to go along with the book, also available in Kindle and paperback.  Or if you would like your own 12 lessons to apply over the next 12 months, purchase your reading.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

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