Friday, May 23, 2014

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is located about 6 to 36 inches below your feet. This chakra is one of the additional chakras that is not counted in the normal 7 chakra system most have come to know. It is not part of your physical body, but it part of your etheric body. This chakra aligns you with the magnetic core of Mother Earth and connects you with Mother Gaia. This chakra keeps the energies of each individual in a harmonious relationship with the planet and keeps the body anchored in the time and space coordinates of this planet.

The earth star chakra meanings relate to the very foundation of your being within your everyday life, and relates to energy and is your anchor into physicality. It is very important for everyone, but especially for spiritual people.

The properties of the earth star chakra are what keep you grounded and protected and helps keep your aura secure in this physical world. So many of our day to day activities have the potential to unground us and basically make us feel like our head is way up in the clouds and our feet are not on the ground. When you have no real contact with the Earth, you can get very ungrounded; using computers for long periods of time, driving around in your vehicle, never going outside. You don’t have to have your bare free on the grass to get grounded, but you do need at least 5-10 minutes outside with your feet on the ground (can have socks and shoes on) to help you get properly grounded. Spiritual work can also make you ungrounded, so after any session of any form of spiritual work, make sure you ground yourself through a physical connection to the Earth by going outside.

The traditional color of the earth star chakra is black and dark brown, but just like all of the other chakras, crystals of different colors can help with this chakra as well. The best crystals for this chakra are black obsidian, black onyx, apache tears and black tourmaline. My personal favorite is black tourmaline.

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