Sunday, May 4, 2014

"Manitude" Diagram

I know you've all seen these pictures:
Well, I was given an idea to create one of these for myself. But there was a twist to what I was going to create. I took a blank piece of paper, in the middle I wrote: "I AM Grateful For". Then each day for 30 days I wrote something I was looking to manifest into my life. I wrote each manifestation as a gratitude statement like I had already had what I was trying to manifest. As I wrote each new statement, I felt the gratitude and happiness from having each item. I would write each item, then reread the previous days, and then meditate on the page itself.

This was an absolutely amazing experience! Because of this amazing experience, is why I decided to share it all with you. I learned about myself in this experiment, plus I also built the habit of being grateful for something different each day. Being grateful is something we all have to learn to really experience in this life because you will be rewarded for your feelings.

Life is an amazing thing and we should all cherish it and just love it the way that it is. If we can make changes for the better, go for it. Love your life and everything the universe gives to you and it will get better every single day. I know I love my life every single day, no matter what life decides to throw at me that day. I know that I can handle anything that is coming towards me with ease because the universe is on my side and I'm grateful for all the lessons I've given to learn so that I can become a better person.

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