I personally love daily affirmations. This is a very habit to get into starting each and every day.
Saying or writing your affirmations first thing in the morning is usually the best thing you can do. It helps you set the mood for the day by doing your daily affirmations.
An affirmation is usually something that you really want to believe or have, but aren't quite at the point of achieving that goal or item.
Here are some examples of affirmations:
I am worthy.
I am good enough.
I am achieving all of my dreams and goals.
I am successful.
I am gainfully employed as _____ at a salary of $______.
Money comes to me quickly and easily.
Life is so good!
I am unique.
I love myself unconditionally.
I love my body and all its flaws.
I release all that does not serve my highest good.
Affirmations can be used to just about anything you want to achieve in your life. They must be written in the present tense as if you already have exactly what it is you are looking to achieve. One of the best ways to practice your daily affirmations is to stand in front of a mirror, and say out loud your affirmation 21 times. By seeing yourself saying it, you can see the look on your own face when you really start to believe the affirmation. You can see the joy in your eyes about having what it is your affirmation is affirming.
I personally love to write out my affirmations. I write them every single morning. Sometimes I come up with more that I need to add to my list and I just add them when I really feel that I need them to be added.
If there is one specific thing you are looking to really manifest into your life, write yourself an affirmation about that item. Then for 21 days, write that affirmation 21 times each day. Fully believe in the outcome of it. After you are done writing that affirmation, really let it go for the rest of the day. Do your best not to think about it, but if you must think about, only think positive thoughts about it. Do NOT think about not having that item. If you continue to think about the lack of that item, you will continue to manifest the lack of that item. Think about how you feel with that item. Think about how it can improve your life. Feel all kinds of positive feelings about that item, if you really must think about that item.

Join me in my manifestation/affirmation challenge. I'll post daily about this challenge and what you need to do. There will be another post introducing the challenge coming up as well later today. Let me know what areas you would really like to manifest something special into your life in the next few hours and I'll work that into my challenge posts.
Need help with some more affirmations? Leave a comment. We can come up with some together. I'd love to help you manifest your desires in your life.
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